African Soap with Cranberry Seeds and Tea Tree Oil
La Haute Monde African Soap with Cranberry Seeds and Tea Tree Oil!
- Traditionally, African black soap is an all-natural product made using plants originating in West Africa. These plants give the soap its dark color.
Here are some of the benefits:
The oils and fats present in African black soap may help soothe a person’s skin. For example, a person may find that it provides mild relief from symptoms of rashes and other skin conditions that cause itching or pain.
Dark spots, also known as hyperpigmentation or age spots, are areas of skin that appear darker than others.
According to a research survey, 45%Trusted Source of people reported being “very satisfied” and 40% reported being “somewhat satisfied” with the use of black soap for reducing the appearance of dark spots.
Anecdotal evidence does support the use of African black soap to help prevent fine lines. For example, people believe that the soap may prevent fine lines and wrinkles due to its antioxidant properties. These properties may help fight against damaging free radicals.
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